Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hello All...
If you have come to visit,
hONeYcOMb cOTtaGe 2b
It is no longer in use...
I have move on to a new blog
The new site is,
Please come and visit
me and the pup boyz...
While we go through our daily
journey through Life..
Thanks for visiting us here,
hope to see you there...
sWEeT dREaMs,
mIzZ bEe

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

aLL U nEed iS L.O.V.E.

On the eve of Valentine's Day
there is LOVE in the air everywhere...
Most think that it's a day for couples
but I think it's a month filled with LOVE..
for one self, for wee little ones,
the elderly, those who have no one,
folks who are suffering from illnesses
whether physically or mentally,
the list can go on...
So tomorrow take a moment ~
think of a way to spread the love or mAgIc..
to those that are in your lives
or to folks that you think might just need that little bit of love...
It could be a "hello" or a smile,
a cup of coffee for the person that is after you in line,
or holding the door for a mom who has a little one in her arms...
or checking in on your elderly neighbor & bringing them a little treat...
and much more...
But most of all,
don't forget to show the LOVE
to yourself too...
On a little ending note
I show a little love to myself today,
& treated myself to Chinese food...
My fortune cookie's note said ~
"A lifetime of Happiness lies ahead of you"
ahhh now that's mAgIc ;O)

Thursday, January 31, 2013

J is for January, Journey & Joy

The month that begins a New Year....
The month that we start fresh & new...
Were we write things we want to do...
Whether to give up or begin,
Something to change us from outside or from within..

A month that we start new journeys...
On roads that we may have travel before,
Or ones that are so new a GPS can't even help us out...
Some of us may decide to stay were we are
and not venture out.
It's a month that unlocks one's thoughts
To begin a new journal, diet, exercise, etc...
To opening the door to possibilities...
To looking at things in new ways
And knowing that when one door closes that a window opens....
This month for many brings hAPpbEe"ness" for new bEeginnings
and for others in might brings a little of the blues...
But for me it brings me the "Yellows" brightness & a glowing light
I see this month as part of my path of my Journey of my LIFE..
I can sit and let things make me blue but for this month I'm going to go with the glow....
As the month comes to an end ~  31st of January...
I am hAPpbEe that I made it to 2013..
I'm not going to make any promises to others or myself
I'm going to enJOY & live LIFE day by day 
and move on to roads that have not been travel before on my Journey of my LIFE...
Well tomorrow will bring us into a new month..
I wonder what color I will be feeling...
I hope that you are enJOYing your Journey
& living your LIFE...
***All Photos from Pintrest**