Saturday, October 27, 2012

MAnY, mANy MOONS aGo ~ wHeN tHIngS sEeM bLAcK & wHiTE "a Fanciful Twist Halloween Event 2012"

Many, many moons ago, when things seem black & white... there was a story unfolding about a witty gal by the name of ~
 "bEa ZoPHiA.." 
bEa's "aunt"cestory started years back when she lived with her 2 wacky wishie washie aunts ~
two witches of a different kind but kindred spirits of whimsy, witty, caring, loving & wild gals...

Mistress Welda of Magical Flight & Madomieselle Yelda of Know It All...
They care for their niece so very well & she never was without ...
The "aunts" may sure that bEa ZoPHia was aware of all her "aunt"cestory
and she was taught all the family secrets..
everything was SPELLed out in black & white...

 As the days went by & the time march on
the hour glass of sand stopped for no one
which lead to days becoming years...
"bEa ZoPHia" had grown into a woman of much knowledge
there was still something missing that she never received from the "aunts"
it wasn't as though they wanted to keep it from her,
they themselves never had it brought into their lives...

Until one day "bEa"stumble upon a spirit
 who brought light, whimsy, & vibrate colors into her life..
From that moment on "bEa" knew that her world would no longer be just in black & white...
but in a kaliedscope of colors that she would grow old with...


This wisdom & knowledge will always be with her for zillion of years,
and truth be told she never grew old in heart ~ ...
she was known to all "Madomieselle bEa ZoPHia"
a fortune teller for the young & the young at heart...


So on this Halloween,
if you see what might look like a shooting star with sparks of multiple of vibrate colors...
let it be known that 'MAGIC" was sprinkle your way from the sky

by a gal who bEelieved if you bEelieve in yourself
your dREaMs will come true...
Ohhh and by the way the "aunts" also had a wish...
 that bEa would meet a Magician WHOooo was tall dark & handsome, witty & fun...


Well we're off ~ my Pup Pal wHEeZer & I, I mean "mIzZ bEa" & wHEeZer are off ,
to go and visit all the blOZs that are participating in mIzZ Vanessa's Halloween Event...
please let her know that we sent you...
May your cauldron over flow with toads of treats & sweets
and may MAGIC be with you where ever you go
but most of all may your treats be blessings that will multiple all year long!

HappbEe Halloween ~
To Each & Everyone!

Marlene & the Pup Boyz ;O) xox

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

LeT'S tAKe FLiGhT ~n~ gIvE a hOoT & eEK oUt ~ A Fanciful Twist Halloween Party 2012 Will Be Here

hEy aLL yOu ~ bATs & oWLeTtEs!
gIvE a hOoT & eEK oUt aND
lEt'S tAKe FLiGhT...

wHY yoU aSK?
wELl tAKe a gUEsS...
iT's tHaT tIMe oF yEAr aGAiN..
tImE tO pUT oN oUr dUsT
& cOBwEbs aND bRInG oUT tHE tReATs ToO..

whEN yOU mIGhT aSK?
wElL OcToBEr 27th
tAKE a fLY by at
tO sCoUt & sEe wHO mIGhT bE aTTeNdIng
aLOnG wITh mE...
mAkE sUrE yoU tELl mIzZ "V" (vAnESsa) i sENt yoU...

tOoDleS nOOdLes ;O) xox

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Oh Mine I Am Truly Late For A Very Important Date ~ A Fanciful Twist Mad Hatter Tea Party 2012

Just a little note before I begin.
I like to apologize not only for my tardiness,
but for my spelling errors...
You see I was terribly upset,
because of the delimena that the weather cause.
The past couple of days, it delay my plans.
When I open my eyes this morn,
to my surprise it was cloudy & chance of rain again!
But I didn't give up hope & I rush as fast I can
It didn't come out as I plan but at least I tried...
On top of it, the transformer behind my home blew (which is located right on the pole between my yard & the yard that you see behind me)..
So some of our homes have half power on one side of the house
& none on the other and one of those homes would be mine
oh well life goes on...
So without further ado please enJOY my little tea.
she said with a little tear in her eye...


Oh mine can it be that time...
am I running late for a very important date?
Can you believe that a year has pas by we're at that time ....
that we bring out our very best & dust it off, spot shine it too...


We fill up the kettles, brew up a batch of
one, two or three types of teas!
Then we look & we look for our finest
hats, gloves & ruffles...(yes Hats)
Well you never know Who might be there...

Oh & we cannot forget to find
amongst all our recipes for
that special special treat!
That we can nibble on as we chat & sip away the time!
I do believe that might be a treat that might
have alittle spell that can put you in a whirl wind or in a tiny frame of mind.


Oh but I must hurry ....
cause I hear some noise could that be ~
someone coming down the rabbit hole???
Could it be some guest are about to arrive?
Oh my, Oh my ~ I must check the time...

Oh yes I hear the chatter of the aunts ~ Aunt Toodles & Aunt Noodles....
Very very distance cousins of the hatter's ...
Oh do they have stories to tell of when the hatter was a wee llittle one.


Oh I must hurry
they'll be here in a matter of seconds...
I'm so glad you had the time to stop & visit with me
Even though the time flew by..
It was very nice to see you!

I can see another tea coming real soon...
here for a special group of girls ~
So please do stop back ...
cause there will be a surprise.

Hurry Hurry...
You mustn't be late for all the other teas...
Please spread the word that
Is having a Mad Hatter Tea Party 2012...

So go go, off you go ~
to have some fun & enJOY the day
with tea & treats & stories & tales...
Oh my Oh my...
What a good time will be had by all!!

Have a Honey of a Good Day ~

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Mad Hatter Tea Party 2012 Hosted By aFabciful Twist.Com July 28th

Attention All..
Do to inclement weather
on and off throughout the day
(photos could not be taken of the lovely outside tea shing ding)
Honey Comb Cottage's Tea
Will God willing be seen
I apologize for the delay...

Thank You for your patience...

but please do stop and see ALL the lovely teas that are happening right now.
Go to and find the list of folks that are participating.