Tuesday, August 2, 2011

WW, Yollet and a Pink Octopus

Today was a bizzy day, in a good way... Work, home ~ then I was off... My friend Robin loaned me her car again ~ yes my car is still not on the road officially... Must say God planted an angel with me by the name of Robin she is truly a blessing to me.. 

Okay so its 5 pm off to Weight Watchers I went...Once the meeting was over I went downstairs of the building where the meeting is held and went to a FREE class called "YOLLET" it a combo of yoga and ballet and boy did I work my butt off for a hour... once finished with class I decided to stop at the hair clinic to get 3/4's of my hair cut off ...yup if I didn't lose weight in the Yollet class I definitely lost it by having my hair cut....short but truly refreshing and most definitely it will be easier to care for...

Day two of the creativity journaling and at lunch I decided to draw this little gal... who I think is too adorable & pink... I must say, my day was a very productive day ~ I even declutter my office desk drawers woo hoo...

Going to call it a night... off to sleep...

Have a honey of a night ~
sweet dREaMs!

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