Friday, October 28, 2011

bEatrIce the little wItcH of cREaTiViTy & the Last of the 3 ~ Part III of "A Fanciful Twist" Halloween Party

Just a little reminder
before we start
Don't forget to read 1st & 2nd parts
And leave a comment or two
or more
because you'll have a better chance
of winning the treats that are in store....

Here's flies a witty witch
filled with whimsy &
a cauldron full of creativity.
Her name is

bEaTrIcE you see
loves to create all the time...
but she can't do so
cause she is sometimes bizzy,
doing wild wacky witchy things..

Mixing potions & spells
or stirring the cauldron while its hot
you never know
what she has brewing in the pot...

When the time comes
& her creative energy & imagination
are buzzin around in her mind...
She hurrys & jumps on her broom!
To visit a very magical.
& fairy like place...

A place were she can
open up to all the possibilities ~
that are in store for her..
where time magically disappears
but treasures appear...

A store where one's soul
is ignited with delight
a place known to many
from the earth to the moon
a star called "PARCEL"

And "PARCEL" is a place that
brings friends together...
a place were one can bee called ~
mIzZ bEe
A place for you & me....

Yes there is such a place that is called PARCEL... and it the pictures that you see in today's post... you can visit the store & tell Nancy & Vanessa that I sent you ~ they're located on Bloomfield Avenue, Montclair, New Jersey

I hope you enJOYed the three mini stories  that were just read on the 22nd, 25th & today... the gals/gyspys/witchs all are different but at the same time they all are  unit that becomes one...  please come here on the 31st on Halloween... come and see a glimpse of one's hive... and find out what the dREaM is ~ 

Plus don't forget a lucky one will receive a couple of whimiscal Autumn Treats from me....leave a comment on any of the Parts 1 2 or 3 or you can leave a post on all three and as many as you want...this will increase you chance of being the lucky one... 

off I go to a magical place & dREaM... 

Have a honey I mean SPOOKtaclur night!


Heather Elizabeth Brauner said...

I so need to check out Parcel..I'll bee looking for Sweet Witch Beatrice... And Nancy and Vanessa Too.. Another cute Short story ..have a Happy Halloween ..hugs Heather <3

Rachel said...

*sigh* I wish I had a shop like Parcel near me, it looks gorgeous. In fact I wish that I ran a shop like Parcel, now that would be good. :-)

Grace said...

I am so excited I finally get to leave you a comment!! who hoo it works. I hope you have a wonderful Halloweenie sweetie. Be well. Grace xoox

beverly e said...

What a cute shop... thanks for letting us visit!
