Monday, February 28, 2011

Magic In The Air and Fairies Here & There ~ Day 15

"aHh wHaT dO mY eYEs sEe ~ bUt a fAIrY lOoKiNg aT A bEe"
Magic is in the air. .  could it bee, that I might see ~ a fairy flying through the air... I shall not tell a soul... so that they might have fun, frolicking about, without waking anyone. . .

Have a hONeY of a nIGhT ~ sweet dreams!
Marlene aka mIzZ bEe . . . .

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday Dinner, Aprons, and Friends & Family The Old Fashion Way ~ day 14

"aN aPRoN aS pREtTy AS cAN bEe"

What a bright beeautiful Sunday it turn out to bEe...When I was younger (much younger) Sundays were for going to Church and Sunday Dinners with Family & Friends...once home from Church my older aunts would put on their aprons & get bIzzy in the kitchen preparing our early afternoon dinner ~ yes I did say early afternoon see whatever was leftover from dinner, was always made into a sandwich for the evening....

Aprons come to mind, cause yesterday a fellow Facebook gal asked if we wear our craft aprons out in the public....and I jump in the conversation & said "I do"... its not like it was in years gone by ~ that every time a gal would be doing something she always put an apron on...oh the beeauty of aprons, some fancy some plain but they were always worn with pride... why wouldn't we wear our aprons now? they are a part of a wardrobe statement, that has somewhat gone astray ...but nope not I ~ I love the tradition of wearing the apron & having Sunday dinner with family & friends...

As a matter of fact the "beeautiful apron above was gifted to me by my friend Grace, she had this apron made especially for me for my "50th Birthday" designed & made by Holly Stinnett....  Grace remember all the things that I liked and had Holly put them together on my apron... well when I open my gift from Grace I almost died ~ I LOVE IT and it had BEES yes four bees on it...if I have to choose I would say this is the best gift that I recieved for my birthday...  and every chance I get I try to wear it looks lovely with a pair of jeans or even a black pair of pants or a blue dress, but I do wear it out in public ~ including other aprons that I have too have been worn by me out & about.....

So that is my entry for today...try to find an apron and put it on while you're making Sunday's dinner, just think you might bring back the trend of when, in the good days things were done in style...

Have a hONeY of a dAy the old fashion way~
Marlene aka mIzZ bEe . . . .

Saturday, February 26, 2011

"A dREaM bEeCoMEs A gOaL wHeN aCtIoN iS tAkEN tOWarD iTS acHIeVeMEnT."-- Day 13

"A dREaM bEeCoMEs A gOaL wHeN aCTiOn iS tAKeN tOWarD iTS acHIeVeMEnT"
bO bENnEtT

I know that some might bee saying that this picture is repetitive, but you see its actually the first time it was enter as a daily dose of "vITaMiN bEe" entry into the 365 day entries of bEes. . .  As you can see, there are definitely little bees swirling around the house. . . and it looks like they're not going to stand still any time soon... These past few weeks this hive has been on my mind & like the bEes its been swirling around & around, and it doesn't seem to want to stand still either...  You'll have to stay tune and stop by to see what is produce from all this swirling... my oh mind what could it bEe?. . . till then ;O)

Have a honey of a night ~ sweet dreams!
Marlene aka mIzZ bEe . . . .

Friday, February 25, 2011

could it bee ~ two posts for today. . .stop by & see the changes at the hive

"bEeFOrE mY eYEs wHaT dO I sEe bUT a bANnER pUT tOGeTHeR bY mE"
  Helooooo Again!

I'm excited as can bee. . .   I tried my skills at putting together my own banner... I am proud to say I did a "bEEautiful" job & had fun doing it too... so as you can see, I've been a bizzy bEe  making changes here & there.. could it bee maybee spring is in the air?.... "bEeLiEvE" you me, it was a sweet treat for me....  ;O)

Have a hONeY of a dAY . . .
Marlene aka mIzZ bEe

P.S. none of the above drawings/prints were done my be ~ its a collage of items that just fit perfectly together for a theme....

i sPY a bEe UNdeR tHe pINk tReE ~ Day 12 of your daily dose of "vITaMiN bEe"

"i sPY a bEe UNdeR tHe pINk tReE"

Good Day All . . .

Today I'm in a pink & yellow mood.... both colors seem to make me "sMiLE" and I need a lot of that lately. . . so not only am I recieving and sending out a daily dose of "vITaMiN bEe"...I sending the glow of pink & yellow to you. . . hope they make you smile too!

Have a hONeY of a dAY ~ may sweet things come your way!
Marlene aka mIzZ bEe. . . .

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Things May Look Black & White But Beeware There Might Bee Color Everywhere ~ Day 11

"tHinGs cAN bEe bLAcK & wHiTe"

 Ahhhh things might look black & white to some ~ but to others the colors are all around . . they just need to bee seen....  hope that your day was filled with colorful things that you got to see. 
"bUt bEeWArE tHErE mIGhT bEe CoLOr eVErYwHErE"

Have a hONeY of a nIGhT ~ sweet dreams!
Marlene aka mIzZ bEe . . . .
;O) xox

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

bUzZiN oN bY ~ Day 10

Good Evening All.... this daily dose of "vITaMiN bEe" is going to bee short & sweet. . .  your daily dose is a page from a vintage children's story book .... I just love the graphics, colors, flowers & bee too. . . it's truly been a bizzy day with a lot of folks stopping in to say "HI" and to check in on me which was very sweet...well I'm off . . .
"bUzzIn aLOnG ~ bIzZY aLL dAY loNg"
Have a hONeY of a dAy ~ sweet dreams!
Marlene aka mIzZ bEe

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

rOSes aRE wHiTE ~ bEeS aRE iN fLIgHt ~ sOnG iN tHe aIR ~ Day 9

"sINgInG a sOnG ~ fLYinG aLoNG wItH mY bAbY & mE"

Today's daily dose of "vITaMiN bEe" will bee a vintage music sheet ~ as soon as it caught my eye it was love at first sight. . .   I've used a copy of it for a piece of mixed media art that I made for a fellow bee lover Hope Ellington ~ who was a swap partner of mine at a grand art retreat call "Silver Bella". . .the swap name was "the bEeS kNeES" . . .  I didn't take a photo of my finish piece for Hope, but I must say it did come out sweet...  Hope treats and goodies that she gave to me were to die for (actually some of her treats I will be using for my daily dose of  vITaMiN bEe) Not only did I great a lot of sweet things, I got the pleasure of meeting a honey of a gal called Hope... who by the way I still e-chat with....  there are many many gals that I have met because of this thing called "ART"  and I am as "hAPpY aS cAN bEe"  for this blessing. . . 

Have a hONeY of a nIGhT ~ may sweet things come your way!
Marlene aka mIZz bEe . . . .

Monday, February 21, 2011

"pRIceLeSS jeWEls to mE" ~ Day 8

Well you're back for some more "vITaMiN bEe". . .  I'm hoping you've liked what you have seen this past week/   From stories beeing told, to meeting some old & new friends & we can't forget a valentine too. .  I'm having a honey of a time trying to bring a dose to you everyday. . . these doses are not only good for you, they're giving me a lot too, their entries are making me look & write in a different way.  I'm won't keep you much longer ~ I'll make this short and sweet ~ the jewels you see are not diamonds, pearls or rubys but know that they are all ":pRIceLeSS" to me...  Now check & see if there are any bees in the mix.  I know that you won't get just one dose of "vITaMiN bEe" maybee two or three...  enJOY their beauty!

Have a hONeY of a dAy ~ may sweet things come your wAy!
Marlene aka mIzZ bEe. . . . . .

"pRIceLeSS jeWEls to mE"

Sunday, February 20, 2011

aN enTRy oN tOdAy's dAiLY dOsE of "vITaMiN bEe" bY an oLD fRiEND . . ~ dAy 7

"seEmS 2 bEe mY yELlOW & bLAcK aRe gONe oH mY oH mY"

aN enTRy oN tOdAy's dAiLY dOsE of "vITaMiN bEe" bY an oLD fRiEND . .

Helooo out there in cyber space land . . . let me introduce myself. .  My name is mIsS dAIsY I'm a friend of mIzZ bEe. . .  you see I've lived with her for awhile. . I've lived with her for such a long time that I didn't realize that I've gotten old that I lost my "bLaCK & gOLd" .  Could it bEe that the years flew by so fast that I lost all my shades of color. . .  but that's okay beecause I know that mIzZ bEe loves me any way. . . whether I'm "bLaCK & gOLd or just plain wHiTe" she thinks I'm alright. . .   beecause in her eyes I will always bee "bEeaUTiFuL"

Have a hONeY of a night ~ may sweet things come your way!
Marlene aka mIzZ bEe . . .

Saturday, February 19, 2011

tHe bUiLDiNg oF a dREaM ~ yoUr dAiLY dOsE of "vITaMiN bEe" Day 6

"Good Day All ~ miss bEe bOp here reporting to you from the outside of "hONeY cOmB cOTtaGE"  things are beeginning to look bright here. . . .  with all the painting going on ~ and all the different patterns coming together. . . . . it might look dark inside right now. . . . .  but I am reporting to you that there are brighter things on the horizon. . . . . so stay tune to your local blOZ NEWS on channel "B11". . . . that's it for now. . . .reporting to you on all the buzz & then some...this is miss bEe bOp fLYing off . . . "

Hope you liked the news update on mIzZ aMEliA bEeHeART's cOTtaGe. . .

Have a hONeY of a dAy ~ may sweet things come your way!
Marlene aka mIzZ bEe . . . . . .
 "cAn U fiNd miss bEe bOp"

"miss bEe bOp ~ channel "B11" from the bUzZ"

Friday, February 18, 2011

bIZZzzy aT tHe hIVe ~ Day Five

"gEt yoUr bIzZ oN cAuSE wE're bRInGin iN tHe hIvE"

It's good to see you're back for your daily dose of vITaMiN bEe. . . . . since we have been bizzy bees at the hive ~ myself & mIzZ aMEliA bEeHeART really need another dose of bee. . . . . the outside of the comb is looking mighty bright to her delight and I am so glad to bee a part of this... so off we fLY to the hive, & to get the outside done before the temperatures drop again... Beefore you know it she will be hanging her sign "hIvE sWEeT hIvE ~ there's no place like comb"  well we off to get our bizz on, and finish our work. . . . ....

Have a hONeY of a nIgHt ~ may sweet things come your way!
Marlene aka mIzZ bEe . . . .

Thursday, February 17, 2011

tHE aDeNTuRes oF mIzZ aMEliA bEeHeART ~ There's No Place Like Comb... Day Four

gOOd Day All ~

Let's beegin with today's dose, with the "aDVeNTuReS of mIzZ aMEliA bEeHeART & hEr fLYiNg cReW ~ Mdse. kOkO kOEnELL & LaDY rEd. . . . . .

I would like to introduce the adventurous, the explorer, the traveler, a honey of a gal ~ mIzZ aMEliA bEeHeART... mIzZ bEeHeART is in her traveling comb that she has had for a very long time...  One day she came to realize that she needed a place to settle in, with her crew ~ Mdse. kOkO kOeNeLL and LaDY rEd who have with been with her in all her adventures.... you see ~ mIzZ bEeHeART is an artistic flyer who has traveled around the world many times... and has many stories to tell... Beefore she does tell them, she's on a mission to find a place to call her hive and settle down with her crew. . . .

One sweet day she came upon a run down hive, in need of some tender sweet loving care. . she new the old girl had a lot of potential and she wasn't going to give up on was a stringer of a chance to take ~ but she knew that combs like this don't come by often.... so she put her honey where her heART was & brought the hive...  as she bUzZ out sight she yell out "this hive will bee called "hONeY cOmB cOTtaGe ~ there's no place like comb" were "dREaMs" do come true..."

This is just the beeginning of the story of mIzZ bEeHeART, so please do stop by and see how her journey goes along too...while you get your daily dose of vITaMiN bEe, she might stop in once in awhile. . .until then. . . .

Have a hONeY of nIgHT ~ may sweet things come your way!
Marlene aka mIzZ bEe. . . . .
"tHE aDEnTuReS oF mIzZ aMEliA bEeHeART & hER fLYiNg cREw"

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Repeat After Me... to bEe is a pOSsiBLe tHiNg... Day Three

Helooo... vITaMiN bEe can bee a lot of fun . . . .if you let it bee & it can bee what you want it to bee.. .. .. .. my bEe thing is a dose of "cREaTIviTy" everyday for the next 362 days left.. .. .. .. all the signatures on this apron are of woMEn that are artistic/creative in many different ways and I am proud to say that "I AM ONE of them  ~ it is ME who is a part of these creative woMEn" I can bee ME in all that is possible by just beeing ME... 

Have a hONeY of a dAy ~ may sweet things come your way ~
Marlene aka mIzZ bEe
"tHe cREaTiVE sTorIEs tHIs aPrON cAn TelL wOUld bEe a dREaM"

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Can It bEe ~ ToDAyS dAiLY dOsE OF vITAmIN bEe is "mIzZ bEe" Day 2

"wELcOmE" back again for daily dose of "vITaMiN bEe".... today's dose will bee a picture of "mIzZ bEe ~ the bEeKEePeR" but can you see that she is wearing her bEe.... "Never bee without the bee ~ " that is her mOTtO" and she is sticking to it....

Have a hONeY of a dAy ~ may sweet things come your way!
Marlene aka mIzZ bEe. . . .

"Never bee without the bee ~ " is mIzZ bEe's mOtTo & she is sticking to it. . .

Monday, February 14, 2011

Get Your Daily Dose of "vITaMiN bEe" ~ It's a Sweet Thing . . . . Day 1

Welcome!.. to "Your Daily Dose of "vITaMiN bEe" ~  The hive will always bee open, so stop and see what the daily dose of "vITaMiN bEe" could bee...  It will definitely bee a "BEE", made by me, found by me or given to me ~ animated, created or even real, you get the jest of it...

It will bring a bit of creativity into my life & yours too.. whether big or small it maybee ~ Most important while you're here getting your dose, please see the journey of a "dREaM" "hONeY cOmB cOTtaGe" beecome reality.  Plus it will be a learning experience for me too...  So without further a do, let the doses begin......

"wIlL U bEe MY vALeNtINe? . ."

Have a hONeY of a dAy ~ may sweet things come your way . . .
Marlene aka mIzZ bEe . . .