Saturday, February 19, 2011

tHe bUiLDiNg oF a dREaM ~ yoUr dAiLY dOsE of "vITaMiN bEe" Day 6

"Good Day All ~ miss bEe bOp here reporting to you from the outside of "hONeY cOmB cOTtaGE"  things are beeginning to look bright here. . . .  with all the painting going on ~ and all the different patterns coming together. . . . . it might look dark inside right now. . . . .  but I am reporting to you that there are brighter things on the horizon. . . . . so stay tune to your local blOZ NEWS on channel "B11". . . . that's it for now. . . .reporting to you on all the buzz & then some...this is miss bEe bOp fLYing off . . . "

Hope you liked the news update on mIzZ aMEliA bEeHeART's cOTtaGe. . .

Have a hONeY of a dAy ~ may sweet things come your way!
Marlene aka mIzZ bEe . . . . . .
 "cAn U fiNd miss bEe bOp"

"miss bEe bOp ~ channel "B11" from the bUzZ"

1 comment:

vivian said...

love your sweet little bloggy! tooo cute! I'pll B back!