Sunday, February 20, 2011

aN enTRy oN tOdAy's dAiLY dOsE of "vITaMiN bEe" bY an oLD fRiEND . . ~ dAy 7

"seEmS 2 bEe mY yELlOW & bLAcK aRe gONe oH mY oH mY"

aN enTRy oN tOdAy's dAiLY dOsE of "vITaMiN bEe" bY an oLD fRiEND . .

Helooo out there in cyber space land . . . let me introduce myself. .  My name is mIsS dAIsY I'm a friend of mIzZ bEe. . .  you see I've lived with her for awhile. . I've lived with her for such a long time that I didn't realize that I've gotten old that I lost my "bLaCK & gOLd" .  Could it bEe that the years flew by so fast that I lost all my shades of color. . .  but that's okay beecause I know that mIzZ bEe loves me any way. . . whether I'm "bLaCK & gOLd or just plain wHiTe" she thinks I'm alright. . .   beecause in her eyes I will always bee "bEeaUTiFuL"

Have a hONeY of a night ~ may sweet things come your way!
Marlene aka mIzZ bEe . . .

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