Friday, February 18, 2011

bIZZzzy aT tHe hIVe ~ Day Five

"gEt yoUr bIzZ oN cAuSE wE're bRInGin iN tHe hIvE"

It's good to see you're back for your daily dose of vITaMiN bEe. . . . . since we have been bizzy bees at the hive ~ myself & mIzZ aMEliA bEeHeART really need another dose of bee. . . . . the outside of the comb is looking mighty bright to her delight and I am so glad to bee a part of this... so off we fLY to the hive, & to get the outside done before the temperatures drop again... Beefore you know it she will be hanging her sign "hIvE sWEeT hIvE ~ there's no place like comb"  well we off to get our bizz on, and finish our work. . . . ....

Have a hONeY of a nIgHt ~ may sweet things come your way!
Marlene aka mIzZ bEe . . . .

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