Tuesday, February 22, 2011

rOSes aRE wHiTE ~ bEeS aRE iN fLIgHt ~ sOnG iN tHe aIR ~ Day 9

"sINgInG a sOnG ~ fLYinG aLoNG wItH mY bAbY & mE"

Today's daily dose of "vITaMiN bEe" will bee a vintage music sheet ~ as soon as it caught my eye it was love at first sight. . .   I've used a copy of it for a piece of mixed media art that I made for a fellow bee lover Hope Ellington ~ who was a swap partner of mine at a grand art retreat call "Silver Bella". . .the swap name was "the bEeS kNeES" . . .  I didn't take a photo of my finish piece for Hope, but I must say it did come out sweet...  Hope treats and goodies that she gave to me were to die for (actually some of her treats I will be using for my daily dose of  vITaMiN bEe) Not only did I great a lot of sweet things, I got the pleasure of meeting a honey of a gal called Hope... who by the way I still e-chat with....  there are many many gals that I have met because of this thing called "ART"  and I am as "hAPpY aS cAN bEe"  for this blessing. . . 

Have a hONeY of a nIGhT ~ may sweet things come your way!
Marlene aka mIZz bEe . . . .


laurie -magpie ethel said...

That sheet music is totally perfect for you! Have a honey of a night....

Hope said...

This piece that Marlene created for me is spectacular. It hangs proudly in my craft room and inspires me daily. So neat!

Cheryl said...

Love this!!! Too cute!! and again!! perfect for you!! I