Friday, February 25, 2011

could it bee ~ two posts for today. . .stop by & see the changes at the hive

"bEeFOrE mY eYEs wHaT dO I sEe bUT a bANnER pUT tOGeTHeR bY mE"
  Helooooo Again!

I'm excited as can bee. . .   I tried my skills at putting together my own banner... I am proud to say I did a "bEEautiful" job & had fun doing it too... so as you can see, I've been a bizzy bEe  making changes here & there.. could it bee maybee spring is in the air?.... "bEeLiEvE" you me, it was a sweet treat for me....  ;O)

Have a hONeY of a dAY . . .
Marlene aka mIzZ bEe

P.S. none of the above drawings/prints were done my be ~ its a collage of items that just fit perfectly together for a theme....


Cheryl said...

Love your new banner Marlene!!! It's BeEutiful! and Sweet just like you!!

mIzZ (hONeY) bEe aka Marlene said...

thanks Cheryl....I really liking this...its keeping me on my toe figuretively speaking...its fun too ...have a honey of a night ~ sweet dreams ;O) xox

Geralyn Gray said...

Love the new by my hive for a giveaway!

bumblebee said...

Oh, my what a honey of a New Banner so very glad I buzzed on by. sweet honey hugs bz

zandra said...

Just bee~utiful!
Hugz, Z

mIzZ (hONeY) bEe aka Marlene said...

thank you ladies for stopping by... please do stop by anytime ;O) xox