Thursday, March 24, 2011

As sweet as it could bee for now ~ Day 16

"bEeFOrE mY eYEs wHaT dO I sEe bUT a bANnER pUT tOGeTHeR bY mE"

I'm making this short and sweet...what I wanted to show what I was creating wasn't coming out the way I wanted it to bee... so I said to myself ~ there is something that I created that I am very proud of ~ is my blOZ banner... I've buzzzz on by a few hives here and there and saw banners that I love but couldn't make or do so I thought the format that I did came out just fine to fit my little day I will bee able to accomplish what I see in my mind but for now I have the sweetest banner around to me ;O)

Have a hONeY of nIgHT ~ sWEeT dREaMs!

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