Friday, March 18, 2011

The Birds and the Bees, and the rObOT Make 3 For Tea & Me ~ Day 10 365 Day Creative Journal

It was definitely a gorgeous day today....warm, a light breeze, birds were chirping & singing a happy tune, while folks stay out till the sun went down... I can still here the birds chirping in my mind & the laughter that went through the air ~ ohhh how spring wants to so come out in her glory and we are all waiting for her with open arms... as I created today's bEe creative journey entry ~ I was reminded that a "sMiLE wILl kEeP tHe wRiNkLEs aWaY" so come on and "bEe hAPpY" & put a sMiLe on your face.... bEe as sweet as can bEe inside & out. . . .

Have a hONeY of a nIgHT ~ sWEeT dREaMs!

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