Sunday, March 27, 2011

the bEeKEePeR ~ Day 18 & an early glimpse of Day 19

"tHe bEeKEePeR"
As I was creating today's daily dose of bEe (you can catch a glimpse of it through the doorway)I forgot that I didn't post about yesterday's dose of bEe.... So here she is "tHe bEeKEePEr oF hONeY cOmB cOTtaGe" she was created by me in a class I took at "Art is.. ..U" which was taught by Taryn of is a great teacher, actually there is a part of project that I created in anotjer class that she taught at her art retreat "Art in the Rough" in's a chain link swag with all items that you wanted to add to it I added yes you guess, it things to do with bEes and homes.... 

Back to "tHe bEeKEePEr" I wasn't completely finished with her, so I added on more items to her and "BINGO" it was the bEes that I added & the honeycomb tile...I think she turned out as "sWEeT aS cAN bEe"....just wish her head gear would stay on...

Well I'm off to finish my other creative project...bee back later...

"what do we see beyond the door....
but a glimpse of day 19 I'll bEe back with some more ~ "
 Marlene ;O)

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