Tuesday, March 22, 2011

bee true to you ~ day 14

"bEe trUe 2 yoUrSElF"

this little gal I created for a coarse I took...there will bee many more to come... I love the creating process ~ if you like to take this coarse in April please go to the She Art Workshop and tell Christy that Marlene sent you...

I would also like to take this time to say "Thank You" to all of you, who stop by my hive, just to fly by or even to say "HI" & leave a note...it means a lot to me.. .. ..  you gals & guys really brighten up my day ;O)

Have a hONeY of a nIgHT ~ sWEeT dREaMs.. .. ..

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

Marlene, Hi! It's your swap partner here! I have been enjoying your blog. Forgot to tell you about mine. It's
Mine is mostly a "reading blog" but am thinking about creating another for more "arty" pursuits.

Anyway, LOVE your blog. Yvonne